Call for Abstract

2nd International Conference on Vaccine Research and Immunology, will be organized around the theme “Recent Advancements in Vaccination & Immunology Research ”

Vaccine Research 2019 is comprised of 26 tracks and 88 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Vaccine Research 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Plant-based vaccines are recombinant protein subunit vaccines. Ideally, the choice of plant species used to produce the selected antigen should allow for oral drug delivery in the form of an edible vaccine. Plant based vaccine technologies involved in the integration of the desired genes encoding the antigen protein for specific disease into the genome of plant tissues by various methods. In the field of science and technology developed new approaches such as agroinfiltration, electroporation, polyethene glycol treatment and sonication to replace the former methods.



  • Track 1-1Production of Plant based Vaccine
  • Track 1-2Biotherapeutics of Plant Vaccine
  • Track 1-3Plant based Vaccine against Virus
  • Track 1-4Molecular level of Plant based Vaccine
  • Track 1-5Direct Gene Delivery Method
  • Track 1-6Disadvantages of Plant Based Vaccines
  • Track 1-7Methods to Increase the Efficiency of Gene Delivery

Regulatory affairs which is also known as government affairs, is a professional aspect within regulated industries, such as medical devices, functional foods, biologics and pharmaceutical companies. Regulatory affairs (medical affairs) handling personnel generally has the duty for these areas like ensuring that the companies obey with all of the regulations and laws pertaining to their business and protecting public health by controlling the safety and efficacy of the products.



Nowadays, drug-resistant bacteria can be killed by using antibiotic nanoparticles. Light activated nanoparticles can make existing antibiotics more effective for treatment of antibiotic resistance microbes. Metal oxide nanoparticles are now used as antibacterial agents. Nanocarriers such as liposomes, polymeric particles, virosomes, lipid nanoparticles etc. can help in improving the immunogenicity of new generation vaccines and protect the vaccines against degradation also.




  • Track 3-1Antibiotic nanoparticles
  • Track 3-2Metal oxide nanoparticles as antibacterial agents
  • Track 3-3Nanocarriers used for next generation vaccination

Antibiotics are screened for side effects before getting the approval for clinical use. Some antibiotics have mild to severe side effects depending on the type of antibiotic used, targeted microbes and the individual patient. Vaccines have normally less harmful side effects like mild fever, headache, muscle joint pain; shivering etc. but few vaccines have rare side effects like allergy known as anaphylactic reaction.



The industrial antibiotic yield has been enhanced by technological innovations and the development of strain improvement of microorganisms through random mutation and screening. The recombinant DNA technology and its application in antibiotic production by microorganisms have given yield enhancement and design of biosynthetic pathways for new antibiotic production. Genetic manipulation of biosynthetic pathways is very useful process for producing antagonistic products of complex bioactive metabolites.



The pharmacokinetic (movement of drugs) and pharmacodynamic (efficacy and toxicity of drugs at specific site of action) properties of the antibiotics are the key factors for successful working activity. This is the relationship between concentration of antibiotic and its ability to inhibit vital processes of microbial organisms. The pharmacodynamics of an antibiotic relates its pharmacokinetics to the time course of the antimicrobial activity at the site of the infection.



Vaccines are prepared to provide the protection against different kinds of viral diseases like hepatitis, viral cancer, MMR, poliomyelitis, influenza etc., different kinds of bacterial diseases like anthrax, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera and many more. Nowadays parasitic malarial vaccines and non-infectious disease vaccines like DNA vaccines for preventing tumor and allergy are also available. These molecular preparations play very important role to boost the immune system.



  • Track 7-1Viral vaccines
  • Track 7-2Bacterial vaccines
  • Track 7-3Parasitic vaccines
  • Track 7-4Non-infectious disease vaccines

Toxoid immunizations are delivered utilizing a toxic substance (harm) that has been made safe anyway that moves a safe response against the toxic substance. Depend upon the toxic substance made by particular microorganisms (e.g. tetanus or diphtheria). The toxic substance assaults circulatory framework and all things considered, accountable for the reactions of the illness. The protein-based toxic substance is rendered harmless and used as the antigen in the vaccination to bring out resistance.



  • Track 8-1Allergic reactions
  • Track 8-2Hypersensitivity
  • Track 8-3Biotherapeutics

In recent years, the widespread of infectious diseases in children has decreased by the pediatric vaccines. The common Pediatric vaccines are Small pox Vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine, Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccines, Inactivated Polio Vaccine, Measles Mumps and Rubella Vaccine.



  • Track 9-1Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Track 9-2Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine
  • Track 9-3Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine (Hib)
  • Track 9-4Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
  • Track 9-5Pneumococcal vaccine 13-valent (PCV13)

The most common allergies like heavy fever or house-dust mite allergy are treated using allergy vaccines. Allergy Vaccines are more ejective in treating the insect stings like bee and wasp stings, which can be fatal in severe cases. The allergy vaccination is used by graduated doses begins with very small dose and it increases gradually.




  • Track 10-1Allergy Shots
  • Track 10-2Cortisone Shots
  • Track 10-3Asthma Vaccination
  • Track 10-4Chronic Sinus Infections

Tuberculosis (TB) Vaccines are inoculations expected for the neutralizing activity of tuberculosis. Around three out of each 10,000 people who get the counter acting agent experience indications, which are typically minor beside in to a great degree immuno-debilitated individuals. While BCG immunization gives really successful protection to infant youngsters and energetic kids, its ampleness in adults is variable, running from 0% to 80%. A few variables have been considered as accountable for the evolving results. Interest for TB immunotherapy movement exists because the infection has advanced toward winding up continuously sedate safe.




  • Track 11-1Antituberculous Vaccine Development
  • Track 11-2Pulmonary Vaccines
  • Track 11-3Pre-infection TB Vaccine

Immunotherapy is a diagnostic method that involves either enhancement of the immune system or the hindering of the immune system. Immunotherapy is one of the most commonly used treatment for cancer. Immunotherapies are of two types, activation immunotherapies and suppression immune therapies. Immunotherapies have been proved to treat various kinds of tumours. Immunotherapies used in caner are mostly biological therapies, that is, they use substances made from living organisms. Checkpoint inhibitors, adoptive cell transfer, monoclonal antibodies etc are the types of immunotherapy that are used in cancer.




  • Track 12-1Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Track 12-2Oral immunotherapy
  • Track 12-3Immunomodulators
  • Track 12-4Humanisation antibody therapy

Vaccination is the most important approach to counteract infectious diseases. Thus, the development of new and improved vaccines for existing, emerging, and re-emerging diseases is an area of great interest to the scientific community and the general public. The recent advancements in vaccines defend the folks from the wide range of diseases. The most ability of the vaccines is to induce the body substance protein responses and cell-mediated responses against the big selection of pathogens. To boot, the invention is accustomed to turning out the vaccines, immunogens and valuable therapeutic and diagnostic reagents. Among the tools available for disease prevention and control, vaccines rank high with respect to effectiveness and economic feasibility. Vaccine manufacture is one of the most challenging industries. Manufacturing an anti-virus vaccine today is a complicated process even after the hard task of creating a potential vaccine in the laboratory. There are different vaccine production technologies approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): egg-based flu vaccine, cell-based flu vaccine, and recombinant flu vaccine• Track 13-1Modular approaches to vaccine production.

  • Track 13-1Vaccines Formulation
  • Track 13-2Cross-flow filtration
  • Track 13-3Increasing vaccine stability
  • Track 13-4Ultracentrifugation operations

Vaccine adjuvants – is an ingredient of a vaccine that helps to create a stronger immune response in the patient’s body.  In other words, adjuvants help vaccines work better. Few vaccines are made from weak or dead germs which contain natural adjuvants and help the body to produce a protective immune response. The amount of aluminium present in vaccines is low and is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Medicinal adjuvants are added to antibodies for a reaction in a secure framework to the target substance; nevertheless, do not offer of being influenced.

  • Track 14-1Simulating Immune Systems
  • Track 14-2Mechanism of Adjuvants
  • Track 14-3Organic Adjuvants
  • Track 14-4Immunologic Adjuvants

Immunization safety is a wide subject area, ranging from vaccine manufacturing and regulation to the point of use of vaccine at immunization sessions, and includes the disposal of used equipment. So far in the modern generation, the development of vaccines against malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV has become a challenging entity. Vaccines are developed in accordance with the highest standards of safety because vaccines must be safe for use by as many people as possible.  Each individual has a unique identity response to vaccines, and there is no way to absolutely guess the reaction of a specific individual to a particular vaccine. Vaccination is the most secure and best general successfulness equipment accessible for counteracting illness and death. Adequate immunizations ensure people whenever regulated before introduction.

  • Track 15-1Vaccine Schedule and Administration
  • Track 15-2Adverse vaccine incident
  • Track 15-3Vaccination to Global Health
  • Track 15-4Cost-effectiveness analyses and evaluation

Basically three types of vaccination strategies are used to give vaccines such as pulse vaccination strategy (repeatedly vaccinating over a defined age range), ring vaccination (vaccinating only those who are most likely to be infected) and cocooning (giving booster vaccines to mothers, family members to protect new-born babies becoming infected by them). Vaccine trial or clinical trials are required for the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Four different phases of trials are present in trial methodology as phase one, phase two, phase three and phase four. Different types of viral, bacterial, parasitic and non-infectious disease vaccines are under research at present time like zika, adenovirus, hepatitis c, leprosy, chagas disease, Alzheimer’s disease and so on.


  • Track 16-1Pulse vaccination
  • Track 16-2Ring vaccination
  • Track 16-3Cocooning
  • Track 16-4Different phases of vaccine trials
  • Track 16-5Recent advancements in vaccine development

Vaccination is more important in our life for keeping us healthy.Recent years have witnessed both successes and failures of novel vaccine design and the strength of iterative approaches is increasingly appreciated.Vaccine development remains challenging because of the highly sophisticated evasion mechanisms of pathogens for which vaccines are not yet available.These combine the discovery of novel antigens, adjuvants, and vectors in the preclinical stage with computational analyses of clinical data to accelerate vaccine design. Each novel vaccine candidate needs to be evaluated for safety, immunogenicity, and protective efficacy in humans before it is licensed.

  • Track 17-1Current Challenges in vaccine R & DCurrent Focus on medicine analysis
  • Track 17-2Regulatory and Economic Aspects in medicine
  • Track 17-3Viral genetic science and genetics

Nowadays vaccination may be an important a part of public health and family. Vaccines work to prime your system against future “attacks” by a selected malady. It conjointly makes the system bear in mind these foreign agents. It helps to fight against several chronic and contagious diseases like poliomyelitis, mumps, HIV, HPV, small pox, cancer, Influenza, etc. The traditional vaccine consists of agents that resemble the disease-causing organism. When these agents enter the human body they stimulate the immune system to recognize these agents as foreign and destroy them. It also makes the immune system remember these foreign agents so that they can recognize and destroy the real live virulent germs.  A vaccine can be administered into the body through injections, by mouth or by aerosol.

  • Track 18-1Diphtheria Vaccine
  • Track 18-2Plague and Tularemia
  • Track 18-3Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, and Machupo Virus
  • Track 18-4Q fever, Ricin toxin, Typhus fever
  • Track 18-5Nipah virus

Due to antimicrobial resistance phenomenon, some infectious microbes become untreatable. Various efforts have been made to develop the next generation antibiotics with novel action mechanisms which can combat against the multi-drug resistant strains of microbes. Recently, symbiotic bacteria are also used to produce antibiotics against MDR strains like odilorhabdins (ODLs).

The resistance of bacteria or microbes to antibiotics is very common phenomenon. Though survival of microbe results from an inheritable resistance but the growth of resistance to antibiotics also occurs through horizontal gene transfer, which is more likely to occur for frequent antibiotic use. Antibacterial-resistant strains and species are called superbugs in some cases like E. coli bacteria superbug, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.

Antibiotics are the most important antimicrobial agents for fighting against bacterial, fungal activities or infections. Three types of antibiotics are found as natural antibiotics which are produced by natural microorganisms via fermentation, semi-synthetic antibiotics that can be prepared by using natural fermentation process with chemical combination and synthetic antibiotics which are completely prepared in laboratory synthetically.

Cancer vaccines can treat existing cancer (therapeutic cancer vaccines) and prevent development of cancers. Some vaccines are autologous or patient specific. Many cancers are caused by oncoviruses like HPV, hepatitis B and also by oncobacteria like Helicobacter pylori. Nowadays, approved oncovaccines like oncophage, Sipuleucel-T are used in many countries for cancer immunotherapy.


  • Track 22-1Therapeutic cancer vaccines
  • Track 22-2Vaccines against oncobacteria
  • Track 22-3Vaccines against oncoviruses

Vaccination plays an important role for both maternal and neonatal health conditions. It is so beneficial for women to be immunized to reduce chances of morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases. Some vaccines should be given to mother before pregnancy, some during pregnancy and some post pregnancy. Neonatal vaccination is the lifetime opportunity to initiate the early protective response against infectious diseases like polio, smallpox etc.

  • Track 23-1Pregnancy & MMR Vaccines
  • Track 23-2Neonatal respiratory syncytial virus infection vaccine
  • Track 23-3Severe reactions to foods, insect stings, and medications (anaphylaxis)
  • Track 23-4Pneumococcal or Pneumo Jab (PCV) vaccines
  • Track 23-5Rotavirus vaccines

The major goals of veterinary vaccines are to improve the health and welfare of companion animals, increase production of livestock in a cost effective manner and prevent animal to human transmission from both domestic animals and wildlife. Oral rabies vaccines are widely used as foxes in Europe and racoons in USA. Trials are underway for the oral immunization of dogs in developing countries.


  • Track 24-1Veterinary Vaccines for Non Infections Diseases
  • Track 24-2Vector-based Veterinary Vaccines
  • Track 24-3Development of Veterinary Vaccines
  • Track 24-4Development of Veterinary Vaccines
  • Track 24-5Safety or Efficacy of a Veterinary Medicine
  • Track 24-6Vaccines for Livestock Diseases
  • Track 24-7Animal Health Outcomes and Advances
  • Track 24-8Case Reports in Animal Vaccination

Vaccines are prepared to provide the protection against different kinds of viral diseases like hepatitis, viral cancer, MMR, poliomyelitis, influenza etc., different kinds of bacterial diseases like anthrax, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera and many more. Nowadays parasitic malarial vaccines and non-infectious disease vaccines like DNA vaccines for preventing tumor and allergy are also available. These molecular preparations play very important role to boost the immune system.


  • Track 25-1Live, Attenuated Vaccines
  • Track 25-2Killed or Inactivated Vaccines
  • Track 25-3Toxoids
  • Track 25-4Subunit and Conjugate Vaccines

Vaccine development remains challenging because of the highly sophisticated evasion mechanisms of pathogens for which vaccines are not yet available. Recent years have witnessed both successes and failures of novel vaccine design and the strength of iterative approaches is increasingly appreciated. These combine the discovery of novel antigens, adjuvants, and vectors in the preclinical stage with computational analyses of clinical data to accelerate vaccine design. Reverse and structural vaccinology have revealed novel antigen candidates and molecular immunology has led to the formulation of promising adjuvants. Gene expression profiles and immune parameters in patients, vaccines, and healthy controls have formed the basis for bio-signatures that will provide guidelines for future vaccine design.

  • Track 26-1Antigen discovery
  • Track 26-2Immunological challenges
  • Track 26-3Aspects of pathology and host responses
  • Track 26-4Expanded testing and modelling of vaccine
  • Track 26-5Chloroplast-derived vaccines antigens and therapeutics